Tiny Saints are a simple, fun and vibrant way to know the saints and share the saints!

Products 1-48 of 97
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati

Price: $6.95

Availability: In Stock
Item #: 6003 -

    These durable and colorful charms have been very popular with kids and adults alike. Made of soft PVC(similar to rubber), they can clip on a child's backpack, dad's key chain, mom's purse, and anything else you can think of!Each comes nicely gift packaged as shown, with a brief story of the saint on the backside of the card. Pier Giorgio Frassati was born in 1901 in Turin, Italy. A student activist and lay Dominican, Pier Giorgio devoted his spare time and money to serving the poor. His...

    Blessed William Joseph Chaminade Charm

    Price: $6.95

    Availability: In Stock
    Item #: 131332 -

      In the wake of the French Revolution, William Chaminade founded the Society of Mary to covertly revitalize the faith of his countrymen through small groups in an increasingly hostile France. Feast Day: January 22

      Holy Family Tiny Saints Charm

      Price: $6.95

      Availability: Backorder
      Item #: 131283 -

        Jesus’ formative ‘hidden years’ were spent in the simplicity of ordinary life in the home at Nazareth. Through the example and intercession of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph we have the opportunity to find God in our everyday encounters with family and experience transformation through this humble School of Love. Feast Day: Sunday after Christmas

        Mary Blessed Mother Charm

        Price: $6.95

        Availability: In Stock
        Item #: 6000 -

          These durable and colorful charms have been very popular with kids and adults alike. Made of soft PVC(similar to rubber), they can clip on a child's backpack, dad's key chain, mom's purse, and anything else you can think of!Each comes nicely gift packaged as shown, with a brief story of the saint on the backside of the card.Mary is the mother of Jesus - an unparalleled title in the communion of saints! The Scriptures call her "blessed among women," and all Christians acknowledge her vital role...

          Mary, Mystical Rose Tiny Saints Charm

          Price: $6.95

          Availability: In Stock
          Item #: 131285 -

            Invoked under the title “Mystical Rose” Mary has been honored for centuries as a woman of singular and royal inner beauty much like a rose. Sometimes called the “Queen of the Flowers” the rose’s many-layered petals both shroud its inner mystery and release a sweet fragrance even when surrounded by thorns. The tradition of May Crownings often expresses this devotional honor.

            Our Lady Of Czestochowa Charm

            Price: $6.95

            Availability: In Stock
            Item #: 6005 -

              These durable and colorful charms have been very popular with kids and adults alike. Made of soft PVC(similar to rubber), they can clip on a child's backpack, dad's key chain, mom's purse, and anything else you can think of!Each comes nicely gift packaged as shown, with a brief story of the saint on the backside of the card. Our Lady of Częstochowa is a depiction of Mary and Jesus, said to have been painted by Saint Luke on the Holy Family's cedar tabletop! In the image, Mary has dark skin,...

              Our Lady Of Fatima Charm

              Price: $6.95

              Availability: In Stock
              Item #: 6006 -

                These durable and colorful charms have been very popular with kids and adults alike. Made of soft PVC(similar to rubber), they can clip on a child's backpack, dad's key chain, mom's purse, and anything else you can think of!Each comes nicely gift packaged as shown, with a brief story of the saint on the backside of the card.In 1917, Mary appeared to three shepherd children in Fátima, Portugal. Word spread, and tens of thousands of people gathered for the final apparition. Many, including...

                Our Lady Of Guadalupe Charm

                Price: $6.95

                Availability: Backorder
                Item #: 6008 -

                  These durable and colorful charms have been very popular with kids and adults alike. Made of soft PVC(similar to rubber), they can clip on a child's backpack, dad's key chain, mom's purse, and anything else you can think of!Each comes nicely gift packaged as shown, with a brief story of the saint on the backside of the card. In 1531, the Virgin Mary appeared to a Mexican Indian named Juan Diego. When Juan Diego's bishop asked for proof of Mary's appearance, Mary told Juan to gather roses in...

                  Our Lady Of Lourdes Charm

                  Price: $6.95

                  Availability: In Stock
                  Item #: 6009 -

                    These durable and colorful charms have been very popular with kids and adults alike. Made of soft PVC(similar to rubber), they can clip on a child's backpack, dad's key chain, mom's purse, and anything else you can think of!Each comes nicely gift packaged as shown, with a brief story of the saint on the backside of the card. In the French town of Lourdes, in 1858, Mary appeared to 14-year-old Bernadette. She wore a beautiful white dress and blue sash with yellow roses at her feet. Bernadette...

                    Our Lady Of Mount Carmel Charm

                    Price: $6.95

                    Availability: In Stock
                    Item #: 6010 -

                      These durable and colorful charms have been very popular with kids and adults alike. Made of soft PVC(similar to rubber), they can clip on a child's backpack, dad's key chain, mom's purse, and anything else you can think of!Each comes nicely gift packaged as shown, with a brief story of the saint on the backside of the card. Our Lady of Mount Carmel is Mary's title as patroness of the Carmelite Order, which began on Mount Carmel near Jerusalem more than 800 years ago. Our Lady of Mount Carmel...

                      Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, Patroness of America

                      Price: $6.95

                      Availability: In Stock
                      Item #: 127269 -

                        Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, Patroness of America In 1792, the first bishop of the United States, John Carroll, consecrated the nation to Mary under her title The Immaculate Conception. In 1846, the United States bishops unanimously chose Mary under that title as Patroness of the United States of America. Feast Day: December 8 Patronage: United States

                        Our Lady Of Vailankanni (Good Health) Charm

                        Price: $6.95

                        Availability: In Stock
                        Item #: 6007 -

                          These durable and colorful charms have been very popular with kids and adults alike. Made of soft PVC(similar to rubber), they can clip on a child's backpack, dad's key chain, mom's purse, and anything else you can think of!Each comes nicely gift packaged as shown, with a brief story of the saint on the backside of the card. Our Lady of Good Health can be traced to three 16th-century miracles that happened in India, near the small town of Vailankanni. There, Mary appeared to a shepherd boy,...

                          Pope Francis Charm

                          Price: $6.95

                          Availability: In Stock
                          Item #: 6001 -

                            These durable and colorful charms have been very popular with kids and adults alike. Made of soft PVC(similar to rubber), they can clip on a child's backpack, dad's key chain, mom's purse, and anything else you can think of!Each comes nicely gift packaged as shown, with a brief story of the saint on the backside of the card.Dear Jesus, Please bless our Holy Father, Pope Francis. Help him lead the Church to you by his words and example. Give him strength to carry out your work and deliver your...

                            Saint Junipero Serra Charm

                            Price: $6.95

                            Availability: In Stock
                            Item #: 126553 -

                              Junipero Serra was an 18th-century Franciscan priest whose passionate, charitable missionary work laid the foundation for Spanish colonization of what is now the state of California. When Father Serra met the first native people with whom he would share the Gospel, he kissed the ground and thanked God for the opportunity. In addition to sharing the faith, he taught them agriculture, cattle raising, and arts & crafts. Feast Day: July 1

                              St. Abigail Charm

                              Price: $6.95

                              Availability: In Stock
                              Item #: 123734 -

                                Saint Abigail's story is rich with Irish lore. An angel told her she would find nine deer grazing in the place she was meant to spend her life. Abigail traveled until she found the deer in County Cork. She loved bees and became a beekeeper, using honey to treat the sick. Abigail ministered to the needy until her "soul left her body," represented in Irish legend by a flying bee. Feast Day: February 11 Patronage: Beekeepers, Fertility, Holistic Health, Nature ...

                                St. Agatha Charm

                                Price: $6.95

                                Availability: In Stock
                                Item #: 123744 -

                                  Having dedicated her purity to God at a young age, Agatha became a target of Roman officials charged with carrying out the persecution of Christians during the reign of Emperor Decius. She was forced into unspeakable suffering, including the removal of her breasts, for refusing to break her vow. Because of the unique torture Agatha endured, she is the patron saint of breast cancer patients. Feast Day: February 5 Patronage: Breast Cancer ...

                                  St. Agnes Charm

                                  Price: $6.95

                                  Availability: In Stock
                                  Item #: 123736 -

                                    Agnes' name means "pure" in Greek and "lamb" in Latin. She lived around the year 300, a time of terrible persecution. This beautiful 13-year-old daughter of Roman nobles consecrated herself to Christ and refused to marry. When her suitors attempted to force her into impurity, Agnes resisted, strong in her love of Christ. She was beheaded for her faith, and is mentioned in the first Eucharistic Prayer. Feast Day: January 21 Patronage: Abuse Victims, Girl Scouts, Girls, Purity ...

                                    Saint Ambrose Tiny Saints

                                    Price: $6.95

                                    Availability: In Stock
                                    Item #: 124264 -

                                      When Ambrose was born around 340, a swarm of bees settled near his crib, leaving a drop of honey on his tongue, a sign of his future gift for public speaking. Ambrose served in the Roman government in Milan. When the bishop died, the crowd nominated Ambrose, who was ordained deacon, priest, and bishop within a week! Ambrose preached the faith with skill and courage, and helped convert St. Augustine. Feast Day: December 7 Patronage: Beekeepers, Candle Makers, Gingerbread Makers, Stone Masons ...

                                      St. Andrew Charm

                                      Price: $6.95

                                      Availability: In Stock
                                      Item #: 112032 -

                                        Andrew and his brother, Peter, were fishermen until Jesus invited, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." Andrew, a disciple of St. John the Baptist, was prepared to follow Jesus. He became one of the twelve apostles and continued to preach after Jesus' resurrection. For evangelizing in Greece, Andrew was tied to an X-shaped cross, where he preached for two more days until his final breath. Feast Day: November 30 Patronage Fishermen Greece Russia Scotland These durable and colorful...

                                        St. Anne Charm

                                        Price: $6.95

                                        Availability: In Stock
                                        Item #: 6011 -

                                          These durable and colorful charms have been very popular with kids and adults alike. Made of soft PVC(similar to rubber), they can clip on a child's backpack, dad's key chain, mom's purse, and anything else you can think of!Each comes nicely gift packaged as shown, with a brief story of the saint on the backside of the card. Anne was the mother of Mary and grandmother of Jesus. We only know a little about her through tradition, but she must have been a woman of great faith who inspired her...

                                          Saint Anthony Charm

                                          Price: $6.95

                                          review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
                                          Availability: In Stock
                                          Item #: 6012 -

                                            These durable and colorful charms have been very popular with kids and adults alike. Made of soft PVC(similar to rubber), they can clip on a child's backpack, dad's key chain, mom's purse, and anything else you can think of!Each comes nicely gift packaged as shown, with a brief story of the saint on the backside of the card. St. Anthony of Padua was a 13th-century Franciscan friar known for his rich knowledge of Church theology. Even more importantly, he had an incredible ability to explain...

                                            St. Augustine Charm

                                            Price: $6.95

                                            Availability: In Stock
                                            Item #: 123738 -

                                              Augustine was born in 354 A.D. in North Africa. As a young man, he loved partying and spending his money. However, through prayer, reflection and study, Augustine began to realize his sins; he wrote to God: "Restless is our heart until it rests in you." He became a priest and bishop, and he shared his conversion in Confessions, his autobiography. Augustine was made a Doctor of the Church for his brilliant writings. Feast Day: August 28 Patronage: Brewers, Philosophers, Theologians ...

                                              St. Benedict Charm

                                              Price: $6.95

                                              Availability: In Stock
                                              Item #: 6013 -

                                                These durable and colorful charms have been very popular with kids and adults alike. Made of soft PVC(similar to rubber), they can clip on a child's backpack, dad's key chain, mom's purse, and anything else you can think of!Each comes nicely gift packaged as shown, with a brief story of the saint on the backside of the card. As a young man, Benedict fled Rome to become a monk. Many others followed him, and he developed the Rule of Saint Benedict to give them a balanced approach to a life of...

                                                Saint Bernadette Charm

                                                Price: $6.95

                                                Availability: In Stock
                                                Item #: 6014 -

                                                  These durable and colorful charms have been very popular with kids and adults alike. Made of soft PVC(similar to rubber), they can clip on a child's backpack, dad's key chain, mom's purse, and anything else you can think of!Each comes nicely gift packaged as shown, with a brief story of the saint on the backside of the card. Bernadette Soubirous was only 14 years old when Mary appeared to her at a grotto in Lourdes, France. There, Mary told Bernadette to dig a small spring. The young girl was...

                                                  St. Brendan Charm

                                                  Price: $6.95

                                                  Availability: In Stock
                                                  Item #: 123741 -

                                                    St. Brendan was an Irish priest born around 484 A.D. This brave and adventurous monk sailed around northwest Europe, spreading the Christian faith. His heroic devotion to the Gospel inspired many, and he founded multiple churches and monasteries. During his most famous journey, Brendan sailed with several companions in search of Paradise. According to legend, they stopped on a small island to celebrate Easter Mass only to discover the "island" was actually an enormous whale! Feast Day: May 16...

                                                    Saint Brigid Of Ireland Charm

                                                    Price: $6.95

                                                    Availability: In Stock
                                                    Item #: 6015 -

                                                      These durable and colorful charms have been very popular with kids and adults alike. Made of soft PVC(similar to rubber), they can clip on a child's backpack, dad's key chain, mom's purse, and anything else you can think of!Each comes nicely gift packaged as shown, with a brief story of the saint on the backside of the card. Brigid was born in Ireland around the year 450. Her father, a nobleman, rejected her and her mother, who was a Christian slave. Brigid was good friends with Saint Patrick....

                                                      Saint Catherine Of Siena Charm

                                                      Price: $6.95

                                                      Availability: In Stock
                                                      Item #: 6016 -

                                                        These durable and colorful charms have been very popular with kids and adults alike. Made of soft PVC(similar to rubber), they can clip on a child's backpack, dad's key chain, mom's purse, and anything else you can think of!Each comes nicely gift packaged as shown, with a brief story of the saint on the backside of the card. Catherine was one of 25 children. Her family gave her the nickname "Euphrosyne" (Joy) because of her cheerful personality. Catherine had visions of Jesus, Mary, guardian...

                                                        Saint Cecilia Charm

                                                        Price: $6.95

                                                        Availability: Backorder
                                                        Item #: 6017 -

                                                          These durable and colorful charms have been very popular with kids and adults alike. Made of soft PVC(similar to rubber), they can clip on a child's backpack, dad's key chain, mom's purse, and anything else you can think of!Each comes nicely gift packaged as shown, with a brief story of the saint on the backside of the card. Cecilia was a 2nd-century Christian from Rome. She was forced to marry, despite the fact that she had dedicated herself to Jesus. During her wedding, Cecilia sang praises...

                                                          St. Christopher Charm

                                                          Price: $6.95

                                                          Availability: In Stock
                                                          Item #: 6018 -

                                                            These durable and colorful charms have been very popular with kids and adults alike. Made of soft PVC(similar to rubber), they can clip on a child's backpack, dad's key chain, mom's purse, and anything else you can think of!Each comes nicely gift packaged as shown, with a brief story of the saint on the backside of the card. Christopher was a 3rd-century Christian; a "carrier" by trade, who transported goods and people safely across a river. Legend has it that one day, a young child asked to...

                                                            St. Clare Charm

                                                            Price: $6.95

                                                            Availability: In Stock
                                                            Item #: 6019 -

                                                              These durable and colorful charms have been very popular with kids and adults alike. Made of soft PVC(similar to rubber), they can clip on a child's backpack, dad's key chain, mom's purse, and anything else you can think of!Each comes nicely gift packaged as shown, with a brief story of the saint on the backside of the card. Clare was encouraged by her dear friend, St. Francis of Assisi, toward a religious life of poverty and piety. In the year 1244, Emperor Frederick II attacked Clare's...

                                                              St. Dominic Charm

                                                              Price: $6.95

                                                              Availability: In Stock
                                                              Item #: 6020 -

                                                                These durable and colorful charms have been very popular with kids and adults alike. Made of soft PVC(similar to rubber), they can clip on a child's backpack, dad's key chain, mom's purse, and anything else you can think of!Each comes nicely gift packaged as shown, with a brief story of the saint on the backside of the card. Dominic, who lived around the year 1200, was a Spanish priest with a deep understanding of the arts and theology. While traveling, Dominic encountered a group of French...

                                                                Saint Dominic Savio Charm

                                                                Price: $6.95

                                                                Availability: Backorder
                                                                Item #: 123493 -

                                                                  Dominic, born in 1842, was one of nine children in a hardworking, pious family. At the age of 12, he met Saint John Bosco and went to Bosco's school in Turin. As driven young boy, Dominic proudly aimed for "death rather than sin" and was well-known by the other boys for his cheerfulness, love of prayer, and desire to become a saint. Dominic was only 14 when he died a peaceful death. Feast Day: March 9 Patronage: Choirboys, Falsely Accused, Juvenile Delinquents ...

                                                                  Saint Edith Stein Charm

                                                                  Price: $6.95

                                                                  Availability: In Stock
                                                                  Item #: 6021 -

                                                                    These durable and colorful charms have been very popular with kids and adults alike. Made of soft PVC(similar to rubber), they can clip on a child's backpack, dad's key chain, mom's purse, and anything else you can think of!Each comes nicely gift packaged as shown, with a brief story of the saint on the backside of the card. Known also by her religious name, Sister Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, Saint Edith Stein was a brilliant scholor, professor, speaker, and Red Cross nurse. Originally a...

                                                                    Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Charm

                                                                    Price: $6.95

                                                                    Availability: In Stock
                                                                    Item #: 6022 -

                                                                      These durable and colorful charms have been very popular with kids and adults alike. Made of soft PVC(similar to rubber), they can clip on a child's backpack, dad's key chain, mom's purse, and anything else you can think of!Each comes nicely gift packaged as shown, with a brief story of the saint on the backside of the card. Born in 1774 in New York, Elizabeth lost her mother at a young age, but found comfort in reading, nature, poetry, music, and horseback riding. Elizabeth's beloved husband...

                                                                      Saint Elizabeth of Hungary Charm

                                                                      Price: $6.95

                                                                      Availability: In Stock
                                                                      Item #: 111342 -

                                                                        These durable and colorful charms have been very popular with kids and adults alike. Made of soft PVC(similar to rubber), they can clip on a child's backpack, dad's key chain, mom's purse, and anything else you can think of!Each comes nicely gift packaged as shown, with a brief story of the saint on the backside of the card.Elizabeth was the daughter of the King of Hungary in the early 13th century. Her peers chastised the princess for her generous love of the poor. One day, she was confronted...

                                                                        Saint Florian Charm

                                                                        Price: $6.95

                                                                        Availability: In Stock
                                                                        Item #: 6023 -

                                                                          These durable and colorful charms have been very popular with kids and adults alike. Made of soft PVC(similar to rubber), they can clip on a child's backpack, dad's key chain, mom's purse, and anything else you can think of!Each comes nicely gift packaged as shown, with a brief story of the saint on the backside of the card. Florian was a 3rd-century Roman military commander who organized the army's firefighting brigade. When the emperor discovered that Florian refused to carry out orders to...

                                                                          Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini Charm

                                                                          Price: $6.95

                                                                          Availability: In Stock
                                                                          Item #: 131333 -

                                                                            Mother Cabrini's determination in service to the forgotten and her unwavering courage have cemented her legacy as a champion for the dignity of the human person, especially orphans, women, immigrants, and the underserved globally. This special charm is made in collaboration with Angel Studios.

                                                                            St. Francis Of Assisi Charm

                                                                            Price: $6.95

                                                                            Availability: In Stock
                                                                            Item #: 6024 -

                                                                              These durable and colorful charms have been very popular with kids and adults alike. Made of soft PVC(similar to rubber), they can clip on a child's backpack, dad's key chain, mom's purse, and anything else you can think of!Each comes nicely gift packaged as shown, with a brief story of the saint on the backside of the card. St. Francis was born in Assisi, Italy, the son of a wealthy merchant. He joined the military but soon became a prisoner of war. When he finally returned home, Francis felt...

                                                                              St. Gabriel the Archangel Charm

                                                                              Price: $6.95

                                                                              Availability: In Stock
                                                                              Item #: 123724 -

                                                                                The angel Gabriel visited Mary to announce that God had chosen her to be the mother of Jesus. In fact, the words Gabriel spoke that day form much of the beloved "Hail Mary" prayer. Just a few months prior, Gabriel had announced the birth of John the Baptist in a similar way. Because of all this, he is often seen with a trumpet - a symbol of his role as a herald of wonderful news. Feast Day: September 29 Patronage: Communication Workers, Messengers, Postal Workers ...

                                                                                Saint George Charm

                                                                                Price: $6.95

                                                                                Availability: In Stock
                                                                                Item #: 6025 -

                                                                                  These durable and colorful charms have been very popular with kids and adults alike. Made of soft PVC(similar to rubber), they can clip on a child's backpack, dad's key chain, mom's purse, and anything else you can think of!Each comes nicely gift packaged as shown, with a brief story of the saint on the backside of the card. George was a Christian soldier in the Roman army during the reign of Emperor Diocletian, who enacted violent persecutions of Christians. George professed his faith boldly...

                                                                                  St. Gerard Charm

                                                                                  Price: $6.95

                                                                                  Availability: In Stock
                                                                                  Item #: 123739 -

                                                                                    The young Gerard Majella was deeply pious, splitting his earnings between his mother, the poor, and masses for the souls in Purgatory. In 1749, Gerard entered the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer as a lay brother. Many miracles followed Gerard, who became known for reading souls and healing the sick. When a young woman, who was suffering a difficult labor, was touched with one of Gerard's handkerchieves, her problems ceased and her baby was born safely. Feast Day: October 16 Patronage:...

                                                                                    Saint Gianna Charm

                                                                                    Price: $6.95

                                                                                    Availability: In Stock
                                                                                    Item #: 6026 -

                                                                                      These durable and colorful charms have been very popular with kids and adults alike. Made of soft PVC(similar to rubber), they can clip on a child's backpack, dad's key chain, mom's purse, and anything else you can think of!Each comes nicely gift packaged as shown, with a brief story of the saint on the backside of the card. Born in 1922, Dr. Gianna Beretta Molla was an Italian pediatrician, wife, and mother. She understood the rigors of balancing work and family, and she believed that taking...

                                                                                      St. Gregory Charm

                                                                                      Price: $6.95

                                                                                      Availability: In Stock
                                                                                      Item #: 123732 -

                                                                                        Saint Gregory the Great joyfully entered religious life around the year 575. When he was elected pope, Gregory was hesitant, but followed God's will. As pope, Gregory strengthened core elements of the Faith like liturgy and doctrine, while prioritizing works of charity. He ransomed prisoners, protected Jews, sent preachers to England, and cared for plague victims. For his many profound writings, Gregory is a Doctor of the Church. Feast Day: September 3 Patronage: England, Musicians, Students,...

                                                                                        St. Hildegard of Bingen Tiny Saints Charm

                                                                                        Price: $6.95

                                                                                        Availability: In Stock
                                                                                        Item #: 131286 -

                                                                                          A mystic and Benedictine Abbess, Hildegard is known for her spiritual writings, musical compositions, art, and extensive knowledge of natural medicine. Her unparalleled works have earned her the title Doctor of the Church. Feast Day: September 17

                                                                                          St. Ignatius Loyola Charm jesuit

                                                                                          Price: $6.95

                                                                                          Availability: In Stock
                                                                                          Item #: 123733 -

                                                                                            Ignatius loved the glamour of life at the Spanish royal court. He went to war to win glory until a cannonball left him immobilized. While recuperating, Ignatius read The Life of Christ and a book on the saints. He was radically changed. He began living a prayerful and penitential life. Eventually, Ignatius developed the famous Spiritual Exercises and founded a new religious order called the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). Feast Day: July 31 Patronage: Jesuits, Military, Retreats, Spiritual...

                                                                                            Saint James Charm

                                                                                            Price: $6.95

                                                                                            review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
                                                                                            Availability: In Stock
                                                                                            Item #: 6059 -

                                                                                              James was fishing with his brother, John, when Jesus called him to be an apostle. He followed Jesus faithfully, ultimately to martyrdom. His remains rest in Santiago de Compostela in Spain, one of the most popular pilgrimage sites in the world. Scallop shells are badges of honor for those who have completed the difficult walk there. James is the patron of Spain, and the horse-riding conquistadors often sought his intercession. Feast Day: July 25 Patronage Equestrians Spain VeterinariansThese...

                                                                                              Saint Joan Of Arc Charm

                                                                                              Price: $6.95

                                                                                              Availability: In Stock
                                                                                              Item #: 6027 -

                                                                                                These durable and colorful charms have been very popular with kids and adults alike. Made of soft PVC(similar to rubber), they can clip on a child's backpack, dad's key chain, mom's purse, and anything else you can think of!Each comes nicely gift packaged as shown, with a brief story of the saint on the backside of the card. Born a peasant in eastern France, Joan of Arc heard God calling her to lead France to victory during the Hundred Years' War. She refused an arranged marriage, cut her hair...

                                                                                                Saint John Baptist De La Salle Charm

                                                                                                Price: $6.95

                                                                                                Availability: In Stock
                                                                                                Item #: 6028 -

                                                                                                  These durable and colorful charms have been very popular with kids and adults alike. Made of soft PVC(similar to rubber), they can clip on a child's backpack, dad's key chain, mom's purse, and anything else you can think of!Each comes nicely gift packaged as shown, with a brief story of the saint on the backside of the card. Born in France in 1651, John Baptist de La Salle is considered the founder of Catholic schools. Through his generous spirit and acts, he made education accessible to the...